City of Clatskanie

Center of the Universe.

If you have a after hours water emergency please call 503-741-0802 or 503-308-2019 
You now can pay your water/sewer bill online! E-Bills are being offered as well. 
Now Available! Auto Pay with your debit or credit card!
Click the button below





The Clatskanie Planning Commission will meet for a meeting on Wednesday, February 26th, 2025, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, upstairs in the Clatskanie Cultural Center. Agenda items include but are not limited to the following: Approval of the minutes of the January 29th, 2025, regular meeting; a Public Hearing will be held to review the request for a re-zone on Bryant Street Tax Lots 7408-CA-01702 (40 Bryant) & 7408-CA-01700 (50 Bryant) from its present zone of commercial (C-1) to residential (R-5); a review of a conditional use application, located at 225 SE 3rd Street, Clatskanie, OR. The purpose of the conditional use request is to use the property as a multi-use for corporate office and residential space; and the request for an approval of the final plat for Tax Lot 7408-CA-01302, located on 400 SW Bel Air Drive, Clatskanie, Oregon. The purpose for the partition request is create two lots. An updated agenda will be available at City Hall by February 21st, 2025. Please go to the city website, to access the link to attend the meeting on Zoom.

Ensuring No Lead Water Pipes are in Clatskanie

November 2024

In 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency directed all cities in the U.S. to conduct a lead line inventory of its water systems. The City of Clatskanie completed the initial Service Line Inventory this year, which included the material identification of city-owned and privately owned service lines. A service line is the pipe that carries water from the City’s water main in the street to your home or building. This inventory informs Clatskanie water customers and health agencies about service line materials and demonstrates that no lead service lines are present in the water system. Download more information below.

If you have any questionso please contact City Hall during regular business hours at 503-728-2622 or you may email the City of Clatskanie Public Works Director Dave Minor at

Leadline Inventory Statement




Clatskanie has been described as a “Norman Rockwell” picturesque small city nestled in green hills and valleys on the coastal range in northwest Oregon.  Our population within the city limits is approximately 1,800, but we consider the community outside those limits to be a valuable asset as well.


Clatskanie is a strong, independent community with small town values and support.  Some good examples of this strength are:

·       In the early 1960's, the community recognized a need for a swimming pool.  There had been four youths taken in tragic drownings that summer in the rivers.  This community pulled together, raised funds, and through volunteer efforts built a safe and well maintained community pool.

·         Several years ago, the community decided it needed a new library.  Again with local donations and volunteer labor a wonderful library is available.


Clatskanie sponsors a wonderful 4th of July Heritages Days celebration that dates back over 100 years.  

Clatskanie also has over 70 miles of wonderful calm water in the Clatskanie River and adjacent sloughs for kayaking.  Our city park has a walking trail and is a jewel in the center of our city.


These are just a few examples of the strength, purpose and desirability of our community.  Please visit us if you are in the vicinity.  We would love to meet you.


Get Directions To:
75 S Nehalem St
Clatskanie OR 97016

Upcoming Events

Planning Commission Meeting, February 26th, 2025; 7pm in the Council Chambers

City Council Meeting,  March 5th, 2025;  7 pm in the Council Chambers 

Bulletin Board

January 23, 2025
Scout Lake is OPEN and will likely be closed through the first of December. 

Please call City Hall to schedule an appointment to obtain a access permit. Please bring a copy of your car insurance and a valid ID with the 97016 zip code.

Scout Lake Permit - Fire Season